The Travel Ten: Suitcase Stories


Today’s Travel Ten interview comes from Nicole and Michael, creators of Suitcase Stories. Nicole and I have been chatting a lot recently, and I don’t think this is the last you’ll see of these guys on Gotta Keep Movin’! Here’s just a snippet of their inspiring story:

Nicole and Michael are an Australian couple in who gave up their careers, sold their possessions and left their ‘conventional’ life behind for an extraordinary life of travel. They have been living a nomadic life for 13 months and see no end in sight. They recently launched Suitcase Stories, a website where they share their stories, travel tips, destination guides, photos and so much more.  Their main goal for this website is to inspire others to travel and to show people how long term travel is not only possible but affordable.


Nicole and Michael on the beach in Cancun

Nicole and Michael on the beach in Cancun


Best place you’ve ever been?


It’s a tie between New York City and Barcelona. NYC has electricity that just pulses through me, it’s a city like no other.  And Barcelona is just magnificent! So beautiful in every way – architecture, people, food, beaches… We would love to go back and explore it some more.


Worst place you’ve ever been?


There has only been one place we weren’t too fond of and that was Patong Beach in Thailand. But we are so excited to explore other parts of this beautiful country so it didn’t turn us off completely!


Favourite food you’ve eaten on the road?


Pad Thai is our favorite dish, and we will eat it anywhere. The best places we have had it so far were Florida and Barcelona. We didn’t have it while we were in Patong Beach – the obsession for this dish started after our Thailand visit. We can’t wait to get back to Thailand so we can eat it every day and pay only $1 per serve!


Sunset at Venice beach, California

Great shot of sunset at Venice Beach, California, taken by Suitcase Stories


Funniest travel moment?


During a road trip in the northwestern areas of USA, we set the GPS to direct us to our final destination. After a couple hours of driving the GPS suddenly said “In 300 meters get on boat”. We both cracked up because we didn’t realize we were close to water and that the only way to our destination was via a car ferry!


Three things you always carry in your luggage?


We can’t live without our laptops, camera and Nicole’s endless supply of skin care!


Most embarrassing travel moment?


We have been lucky and have not had any really embarrassing moments.  However, we have had numerous ‘language barrier’ issues which makes for an interesting meal out when you think order one thing but get something completely different!


Michael in front of El Rey Mayan Ruins in Cancun

Michael in front of El Rey Mayan Ruins in Cancun


The greatest challenge you’ve faced while travelling?


At that start Michael found it quite challenging to be out of his comfort zone. That’s all changed now but it did take a while for him to get used to it. For Nicole it’s been letting go of her inner princess while staying in less than average accommodations (like the time with all the cockroaches!)


One thing you don’t like about travel?


Not always having access to a nice clean bathroom can be a little annoying. Some places we have stayed in, you walk out of the shower feeling dirtier than you did when you walk in. It would also be great if it didn’t cost so much.


Top three dream destinations you’ve never been to before?


We have so many ‘top destinations’ that I’m going to cheat and do 3 each – Nicole: Japan, Bora Bora and Santorini.  Michael: Italy, Greece and Egypt.  But there would be hundreds more on that list.


One the Nicole and Michael's shots from Yellowstone National Park

One of Nicole and Michael’s shots from Yellowstone National Park


Most useful piece of travel advice?


Before my (Nicole) mother passed away she told me to follow my dreams (of long term travel) and to never look back.  It was the last conversation I had with her so I took it to heart and did exactly that!

Any travel advice is useful in some way or another.  I don’t think there is a day that goes by we don’t learn something from someone or somewhere that helps us on our travels.


Thanks a lot, Nicole and Michael! If you want to hear more from Suitcase Stories, you can follow their journey on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.


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8 responses to “The Travel Ten: Suitcase Stories”

  1. […] The Travel Ten: Suitcase Stories […]

  2. […] The Travel Ten: Suitcase Stories […]

  3. Nicole and Michael- go to Santorini! You will absolutely LOVE IT!

    Emma- I would love to be featured on this! What a fun and interesting concept! 🙂

  4. Thank you for having us in your Travel Ten Emma! We loved answering your questions 🙂

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