Cuba: 14 Need-to-Know Varadero Tips


To many, Cuba is a mystery.

For some, it is even entirely off-bounds, making it even more alluring. Before I travelled to this hip-swivelling, rum-quaffing, crystal-coasted country, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I didn’t know how developed it would be, how safe it would feel as a woman travelling alone, or what the locals would be like.

Admittedly, had I done more research I would have found out the answers to these questions, to an extent. I went in to my Cuba travel experience blind to almost everything, and only picked up a guidebook of any kind on the flight over. For the most part, that’s my style of travelling – dive in and just see what happens.


Looking back, it was everything and nothing like I expected. I was in Varadero for the most part, for a friend’s wedding, which is a safe option for someone in my position, unsure of what my experiences would turn out to be. If I could go back in time and give my pre-Cuba self some tips about what to expect from Varadero, and Cuba, here are the 14 things I would say.


cuba, cuba cars, vintage cars, caribbean photos, photos of cuba

A side-street in Varadero, Cuba


1. Enjoy the free-pour cocktails


It’s best to get the important bits out the way first, right? Like many people experience on all-inclusive vacations in the Caribbean and in destinations of a similar nature, bar tenders pay no attention to how much alcohol they pour into a cocktail. The story is the same in Cuba – ice cubes and mint are drowned in white rum with no consideration for fair measure equal to cost. This is certainly something to savour, in my opinion – mojitos for everyone!


2. Look into accommodation outside the resorts


It is very easy to be drawn in by the resorts in Varadero, as it’s such a popular tourist destination and many travel there just to experience life inside the 5-star bubble. However, make sure you check out the many B&Bs dotted around in the centre of town, the best of which offer affordable, comfortable rooms with a very high level of service.

I chose to stay at Beny’s House B&B, which is right next to the beach, shops, bars, and restaurants. Plus, the friendly, caring group of local who run it just made the whole experience so memorable for me.


3. Don’t be deceived by the words ‘artisan market’


So many guidebooks and articles about Varadero will describe the markets in the centre of town as ‘artisan’. It’s with regret that I have to tell you that these aren’t exactly the kind of ‘artisan’ markets you might be expecting. Perhaps you’ll think of trinkets and homemade goods, unique and like nothing you’ve seen before – or I certainly did anyway. Instead, picture rows of stalls lined with an endless supply of light tan leather goods, imprinted with the word ‘Varadero’ and Che Guevara’s face. Artisan, I think not, Varadero.


markets cuba, cuba markets, varadero markets, markets in varadero, varadero cuba

Markets in Varadero


4. Mobile phones don’t always work


I arrived in Varadero a few days after my friends, who were staying at a resort far away from my B&B. I knew internet would be difficult to find (see point 11 below…), but presumed at least my phone would work so I could contact them to let them know I’d arrived. I get to Cuba, and my phone turns on okay, but refuses to send messages of any kind, or call. However, my friends from the UK found that their phones worked fine. Moral of the story – don’t presume your phone will work.


5. Get on the beach for the sunsets


This might sound like an elementary point, but I saw very few people in the beach at sunset during my time in Varadero. After watching one, I have no idea why – they’re nothing short of phenomenal. Park yourself down in the sand at around 6 or 7pm, and watch the sun turns the water and skies from shimmering gold to deep, fiery orange.


cuba sunset, sunset varadero, varadero sun, caribbean sunset

Sunset in Varadero


6. Discover the Beatles Bar


Yes, Varadero has a bar dedicated to The Beatles, unmissable due to the life-size statues of the infamous quartet outside its front doors. It might be outrageously touristy, but shun aside your inner off-the-beaten-path nature just for one or two drinks and embrace the energetic atmosphere and live rock music.


7. Get out of the resort beaches


It might be tempting to only visit the beach immediately next to your resort, if you’re staying on one, but take a wander to visit the beaches in the centre of town. These are infinitely less crowded, and as you’re in the middle of Varadero you have all the amenities you need within reach.


8. Don’t miss Josone Park


For a change in scenery, take a stroll around Josone Park in Varadero. With a lake in the centre, green all around, and little houses polished up into bars and restaurants pinned along its walkways, Josone makes a refreshing alternative to the beach for a few hours.


9. Varadero is safe


If safety is a concern, don’t worry about it in Varadero. The locals are friendly, very used to the sight of tourists, and as far as I could tell, have no interest in stealing your belongings. As a female solo traveller I was hardly hassled at all during my stay, and even walked alone at night (albeit a short distance along a main street) without hesitation. That’s not to say that nothing bad ever happens in Varadero, of course, but I don’t think it’s a place in which many will feel unsafe.


10. Don’t get ripped off in the taxis


A taxi from the centre of town to the resorts will often cost you around 10 CUC (about $10 USD). That’s how much I paid for my first taxi to the resorts, when I was in sheer panic trying to find my friends and was too exhausted to haggle. Later on, I found out that the locals actually only get charged 2 CUC for any given journey, and tourists shouldn’t ever pay more than 6 or 7. As with many places, perfect your haggling skills, and agree on a price with the driver in advance.

church cuba, cuba varadero, church in varadero, religious buildings cuba

Santa Elvira Church, Varadero


11. Say goodbye to the internet


If you’re staying in a resort, you might find internet in your hotel, usually just in the lobby, with a charge and very low connection speed. Outside of the resorts, the only place you can really find internet is at these tiny centres called ETECSA, of which there are two close to Varadero’s centre. These have about three computers each, and people are always lined up outside to use them. In other words – just don’t bother. Take the opportunity to disconnect, because you’ll have to anyway.


12. Take your passport to the bank


There are a few ATMs in Varadero, but I it’s not always guaranteed your card will work in them. Instead, head to a bank (always check the opening hours, of course) to take money out, and make sure you bring your passport. It’s imperative for withdrawing money from your bank account in Cuba.


13. Drinks are cheap outside the resort


Did you know: there is a whole world of adventure outside the resorts in Varadero? I know it might be so tempting to stay within familiar ground, where the mojitos never run dry and not one dollar passes from your hand to a waiter’s, but take a chance and get out into the centre of town for some adventure. Plus, drinks are barely more than $3 maximum, so you won’t be penniless upon return.


14. Many locals speak good English


I spoke to several locals in Varadero on a daily basis, and the majority spoke a very good level of English, which surprised me. I spoke Spanish to my hosts (or at least made an attempt to), but many people in the town wanted to practice their English, so I chatted with a few each day. While I love being thrown in to a difficult situation and trying to work my way out of it, there was still some comfort in knowing I could communicate well with the people around me.



Have you ever been to Varadero? What need-to-know tips would you give others travelling to Varadero, or Cuba?




23 responses to “Cuba: 14 Need-to-Know Varadero Tips”

  1. Matt says:

    Locals don’t even pay 2 CUC for a taxi. The wage in Cuba, even for engineers, is $40 CUC per month. It took us ages to find local prices restaurants but once we did, a $10 meal became $1.

  2. Myra Palma says:

    I found this post very helpful, thank you for sharing! My daughter and I are going to Varadero next week, from Barrie, Canada. I was wondering….if I got a data plan from my phone provider, will using the internet be easier? Would I have better luck when sending and receiving messages and using Facebook? Thank you very much!

  3. Mark keightley says:

    Hello, Does anyone know what the weather is like around the middle of November.

    Also is the Sol Palermas a good hotel to stay at?

  4. Marie N says:

    Considering taking a girls trip to Varadero in April. Did you also need to have a tourist visa along with your passport?

    • Gotta Keep Movin' says:

      Hi Marie, Yes I believe so – it depends what country you’re from! Sometimes you can just get one on arrival.

  5. maureen black says:

    This is a great site. I am going to Veradero next week by myself (I am 70 yrs old) and my kids think I am crazy.

    • Gotta Keep Movin' says:

      Hope you had a wonderful time, Maureen! We don’t think you’re crazy 😉

      • maureen black says:

        Thank you. I did have a wonderful time. I never at any time felt in any kind of danger. The people are very friendly and I met some nice people from my hotel. I walked the downtown street every day and loved the sites and sound of the horses clomping down the street. Had a ride in a little coco cab.

  6. Vic says:

    Hi. Thanks for the tips. I’m a male and will be travelling solo next week. I was concerned about getting scammed but after reading what you wrote I guess it’ll be ok.
    So to get to town from your resort is it better to get a taxi or bus it? If possible, should you just get one taxi guy/guide for the whole week?

    • Gotta Keep Movin' says:

      Hi Vic – thanks for your message! I think you will be absolutely fine. Keep your head screwed on like you would do anywhere else, but I think your trip should be nothing but enjoyable. Yep, there are taxis everywhere that will get you to town from your resort, or as you’ve said there are buses that run too. The majority of the resorts are a few miles from town. Haven’t heard of many people getting the same driver the whole week – I’m not sure if that’s even possible! Just make sure you don’t pay more than around 7 CUC for a ride, that’s the only scam you might encounter. Offer them 5 CUC at first. Some will push their luck and try to get 10 out of you, but that’s far too much. Hope you have a fantastic time, and enjoy the sunshine!

  7. I’ve been a little intimidated by Cuba, being a solo traveler. But I’ve seen many good posts on it. This is an excellent and practical post that’s really helpful. Makes me want to put it back on my bucketlist.

    • Gotta Keep Movin' says:

      Hi Christine – I know what you mean, and I won’t like and say Cuba is completely fine for safety. While I did feel that Varadero was a safe place, my time in Havana was very intimidating and I was hissed at non-stop for 12 hours, basically. Some of that was due to me staying in a completely wrong part of town, but it was nonetheless a little scary. I can’t speak for more of Cuba as I didn’t travel round too much, but I think it’s fairly hit and miss. I’ve heard of lots of women who were totally fine, though. Hope you make it there one day!

  8. What did you learn about how Cuba coped after being a country dependent upon oil and manmade fertilisers and then suddenly having the supply of both switched off following the collapse of the Soviet Union? I’d love to visit and learn more.

    • Gotta Keep Movin' says:

      Hi John! Thank for stopping by. I actually don’t know too much about that part of Cuba’s history – more of the stuff I read was about their relationship with the US and things like the sugar production (of which they were once the largest exporter), but the oil and fertilisers part you’ve mentioned sounds fascinating. Sadly I was just in Varadero for a few days and Havana for a few hours, so didn’t get much of an opportunity to travel round more and learn an in-depth history. You should definitely go – it’s a fascinating country, and the people reflect that as well.

  9. I was planning on spending one month in Cuba in July until I found out about the dial-up internet…definitely not a good idea now that I’m in the process of making my blog one of the top 100 😀

    Maybe next year haha

    • Gotta Keep Movin' says:

      Oh yeah, the internet is a nightmare, Raphael! I suggest going for a short break when you want a few days to disconnect (if you can bear it!) 🙂

  10. TravelDoIt says:

    Fantastic tips for Cuba, a place not many here at the office have been to, but strive to go to in the future.

    • Gotta Keep Movin' says:

      Glad they could help! These are just what I experienced in Varadero, but I’m sure plenty will apply to elsewhere in Cuba (the liberal pouring of cocktails, for sure). Hope you guys manage to make it there soon 🙂

  11. Thanks for the Cuba tips! The Beatles bar sounds really fun 🙂

    • Gotta Keep Movin' says:

      You’re welcome, Katie. The Beatles Bar is complete madness (and I just think it’s just hilarious that it even exists in Varadero!) and definitely worth checking out for a beer or two – especially if you like to party!

  12. There are many parallels between the islands of Gran Canaria and Cuba. The liberal pouring of rum by bartenders, for a start. Then there’s the fact Las Palmas de Gran Canaria’s dubbed Little Havana. And its Avenída Marítima’s a dead ringer for the Malecón, apparently. Although we’re reserving judgement, until we see the later for ourselves. And whilst we’re over in Cuba, you’ve talked us into visiting Varadero too.

    • Gotta Keep Movin' says:

      Great to hear I’ve convinced you to visit Varadero! It comes with a word of caution – it’s not for everyone. It is very touristy, that’s for sure. But, if you seek out those local experiences, and talk to the people, you will certainly find them. Looking forward to hearing about your Cuba travels!

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